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Veg pasta | Easy and home made recipe (only 4 Steps)

INGREDIENTS: Milk           - 1 litre wheat         - 3 tsp vegetables  - 1 cub (capsicum, carrot, beans, mushroom) (chopped in same shape) garlic          - 1 tsp (finely chopped) green chilli - 2 (finely chopped) pepper to taste salt to taste PROCEDURE: 1) In a bowl add wheat to the 10 tsp of milk to get a smooth paste. 2) In cooking vessel add this paste to remaining milk and stir well and make sure there is no lumps creation. 3) Add salt and pepper and stir well till it thickens as a white sauce. 4) Add boiled pasta, garlic, green chilli and cooked vegetables to this white sauce stir for 2 minutes to get a tasty pasta !

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